Friday, September 12, 2008


I am lucky enough to be the Enrichment Leader in our ward and we have never had a Super Saturday. So me being the crazy person I am decided I really want to do one. To be quite honest I am scared to death. I am asking for tips and advice to make the day go smoother. We are doing a luncheon and about ten different crafts (crazy I know). So PLEASE help me. I need some easy ideas for free projects, or VERY cheap.
Thank you so much. What did we do before the blogging world.


mylittlegems said...

Involve as many people as you can to help teach things. What crafts are you doing? (maybe I'll want to come:)) Are you having a nursery? If possible- I suggest doing that. (they did not have one at our last one and I had 2 kids in tow and needless to say it wasn't too much fun for me) Have each thing set up in a different space- and make sure everyone pays before hand. I loved being Enrichment Leader- when that was my calling! Good luck!

natalie said...

Check out for tons of great hand made ideas. Also make an announcement in RS and ask for people to call/email you with ideas. I actually had to hunt down the enrichment leader to give her my ideas. Or send around a sheet of paper asking sisters to write down something they'd like to make or would be willing to teach. There are people out there who will want to help if you just give them the opportunity!

Active Ackleys said...

Hey Mandee! Our Wednesday group just happened to have a member that was a cake decorator and she came in and did demonstrations for us. We each had a sugar cookie and a makeshift icing kit and learned how to make flowers and different styles of piping. It was lots of fun.