I am so grateful for the creativeness of others! I wanted to share some of my favorite
printables that I have stumbled upon. I have saved these to my computer, so that I will
always have a card, close by, should an
occasion ever warrant a card. And oh my, I love to give cute cards!! I love to give cute gift tags. I just love to feel crafty, although I
always try to give credit, where credit is due!

Adorable gift tags from
Fog and Thislte. Click

Super cute card by
Creature Comforts. Click

This is a silly little card. I think it's rather funny! My
motto, if you will. Click

Just Because and Thinking of You Cards. Click
Button card. Simply print and use buttons to
Again, from How about Orange.
Stinkin' cute, gift tags for little kids or perfect for a baby shower! Click
here! Provided
again, by
Fog and Thistle.
Also a fun little sight, is
A Print a Day. She has oodles of free
downloads to choose from.
Thanks for the links - these are beautiful, and I always seem to find myself without cards and gift tags!
Thanks so much for including links to my cards! I'm glad you enjoyed them! I noticed that the birthday cards seem to be going to a different link. The correct link is: http://schlosserdesigns.blogspot.com/2009/03/tutorial-tuesday-quick-birthday-cards.html
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