It's a mix between Twilight and Harry Potter. But spicier. Yes, spicier than Twilight. Okay well maybe not, but the heart throb in this book is Jace. He's a hot, bad boy demon slayer and let me tell ya, he's my new fictional boyfriend. Edward, who??? I'm hopeless, I like that bad boy image. I just hope they cast someone fitting to the part when they make the movie, unlike they did with Edward and Robert Pattinson :(.
Anyway, it's well worth the time to read. There are currently 3 books out, and I hear that she is possibly going to continue the series, but not following these specific characters. Book 1 was so good, I'm pretty sure the rest of the series will be too. If your interested, you can check them out on Amazon. I'll let ya know what I think, when I'm done.
*As alway's read books first before you let your kids read. I'm 1/3 rd of the way through the 2nd book and wow!! I know it's aimed at teens, but I don't know if it's something I would let mine read until they were older teenagers. *
I LOVE this series. The whole thing. Each one is as good (or better) than the first in my opinion. I think I'll have to buy the set since it's one I could pick up when I just need an hour or two of me-time.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention about this series, just stick with it to the end. I think it's in the second book that a bombshell is dropped that makes you hate it, but just keep reading. Be sure to post when you finish whether you agree with me. Please, I mean. :)
YOU ARE WELCOME!! I'm glad I could introduce you to your new boyfriend!!
I just finished this series as well, and I agree they just keep getting better!
I just had several ladies recommend this to me on Facebook! I'm gonna have to try it out now!
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