Monday, November 10, 2008

The Cutest Turkey's Ever

This was the easiest project ever. I made up some sugar cookies, and I halfed the recipe, so we got 2 dz. I let the kids frost them with chocolate frosting, put on some candy corn for the feathers, we used M&M's for the eye's and yellow frosting for the rest!! Next time I will use black frosting for the eye's but I was to LAZY today to make it. I am so doing these for Tyson's Thanksgiving day party at school.


  1. The turkeys look so yummy!
    Thanks for the directions!
    I will have to try these!

  2. love it. Super cute. I am going to do this!

  3. Hey, we are doing out turkey cookies on Friday...I will post them then so you can see what a disaster ours turned out to be ;) Remember we have 6 kids under 3 "helping" us!!!

  4. Such a cute idea!! I'm always looking forward to holidays so I can make my sugar cookies and this will be so fun for Thanksgiving!!! Thanks!


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