Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My new Obsession: Fabric Flowers

I'm obsessed! My husband is freaking out and wondering what we are going to do with all of these flowers. He wants me to sell them, but everyone sells them!! I am just having fun.
This was taken about a week ago, there have been oodles more since then!
This is a fun little no sew flower. You can get the template here. These one's actually take a a bit longer than the ruffle flowers, but if your an anti-sewer, these are the ones for you!

These headbands are so much fun and so easy to make! You don't even need to add the flower, but it's fun to add a little something to it. I followed her measurements exactly and apparently I have a big head!! It's squishing my brain!! So I made some more and added about 2 inches in length and now it's almost to big, so maybe just adding 1 & 1/2 inches next time. This one was way cute on my 2-year-old and fit Mandee's little gal who is 7 perfect.
This is my favorite flower. A little bulky. I actually took it apart to make it smaller. My husband thinks this is way to big to wear, but I tried to tell him that it's the style and big is better!
This is perhaps my favorite one I have made and I just gave it to a friend for her birthday!
I know I am a behind in jumping on this train, but I am loving it! There is definite a learning curve on the flowers. I will do a tutorial on one, because I have kind of changed up a few different set's of instructions and have been making my own. Let me experiment a little and then I will share!!


  1. so cute! Isn't funny how when you make something the hubby's always think you should sell them...when I made the gift card holders he was convinced I should sell them, I told him you couldn't pay me enough!

  2. I was just trying to figure out what type of flower to make to go with the dress I just made for my baby...thanks for the idea :) (oh, and awesome skirt, btw!)

  3. Way cute! Stacie & I were just thinking about learning how to make them.

  4. very very cute!! i too love fabric flowers, they are SO the rage right now, especially in clusters on clothing & accessories!!

  5. Way cute! I love your blog!
    Thanks for your inspiration,
    Loralee @ No Fuss Fabulous


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