Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Made This All by Myself!!

Your probably thinking, wow, big deal!! But it is. I have never sewn a piece of clothes in all my life. My sewing experience consists of sewing straight lines and never more than a few inches. SERIOUSLY! Learning to sew was a goal I set for myself this year. My mom, bless her heart, tried to teach me a few things in high school and so did poor Mrs. Anderson the home economics teacher, but I hated sewing!! Hate, hate, hate, hate, hated it! My poor teacher. I made a bath robe and a pair of sweats in class, but she did probably 90% of the sewing, because me and that Bernina, just did not get along!! Oooh, and me and the serger!! Cut a huge gaping whole in that robe, but that is another story all together.

I got the idea for this skirt from Ruffles and Stuff. She did a guest post on Somewhat Simple, and I stumbled across her blog. AMAZING!
I basically followed her instructions. The only thing I really changed was the ruffle at the bottom is made from material instead of tulle. It did turn out a little bit bigger than I wanted, but that's okay because she will be able to wear it for a long time! I think it's pretty cute. I am pretty proud of myself. I have some more cute material, that I may try to do another one with and make it a touch smaller. I have to give some credit to my mama, because I called her several times to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to and testing a few ideas with her.
What do you think??


  1. Great job, Brandy!! I'm learning to sew too...it's more fun than I ever thought!

    Hey...link this on my "Sew Cute Tuesday" post!!

  2. I love it!! And it's great for a girl like yours who only likes to wear dresses and swimsuits!


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