Saturday, August 22, 2009

HCG week 2

Thursday: I am officially on HCG Hiatus. I still have a few day's worth left, but for my sanity I am going off. I ate eggs this morning and they were so good! I am not losing the way I wanted to. My husband has a theory. I have been doing Zumba every morning now for atleast 2 weeks and have been doing it 3 times a week for a few months. He thinks I'm building muscle and that is why I don't see the numbers on the scale that I want to. Doesn't make me feel any better. I'm going a little crazy. I weigh myself morning, noon & night. What good does that do me? It only feeds my craziness. I think I need to regain my sanity and take a break. Keep eating healthy and watching what I eat and exercising. I need to relax and accept myself for who I am, right at this moment. I have lost 50 lbs since April. That is amazing!! I need to enjoy that for a moment. I still think HCG is great! I probably will do it agian, but after the first of the year. To any who may want to start this journey, good luck!!! It's an amazing ride!

Wensday: Weighed in at 193.

Tuesday: Weighed in at 193.8. FRUSTRATED! I am just not losing the way I should be. I wonder if I am growing immune to the HCG??? I know that I had a about a week where I didn't lose weight the first time I was on it, but I lost a lot of inches. Maybe that is what is happening here. Keeping our fingers crossed.

Monday: Weighed in at 194 even, not much.

Sunday: weighed in at 194.4. That's good. A little at a time! Still having a really hard time. I think it's because I am losing weight, even though I am doing little cheats. Got to stop it. I am going on HCG hiatus when this is done. I have been on the program since April and I think I need a little break.

Saturday: Forgot to weigh in.


  1. you should do what you need to do, but didn't your Dr. tell you not to exercise while on the HCG.. that is supposed to be a big no no.. !??
    I think a 50 pound weight loss is amazing and just eating right and exercising would be very healthy ( especially mentally) as I imagine that restrictive of a diet to be really HARD! good luck :)

  2. Good job on the 50 pound weight loss. That's awesome!
    I struggle with weight, so know where you're coming from. I've just started to run (I'm so NOT a runner!) and watch my calories. I've lost 19 pounds in 8 weeks... but still have a long way to go. I can't wait to be in the 100's once again... but for now I'd settle to be under 250 (sad, huh?).

    Once again, good job!

  3. Hey, we can do this... I am trying to be really good at not snacking... The 5 days that I did HCG made me realize how much mindless eating I do. So, I am doing frozen stawberries for snacks just as I did on HCG and hoping to stay on a more strick diet. WE CAN DO THIS.........

  4. Brandy, you are so amazing! 50 lbs. is a fantastic achievement. I keep telling myself to join you guys for ZUMBA...don't have the confidence to try it yet.


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