Friday, August 21, 2009

Green Jello With Carrots

If your serving in any capacity in the LDS Church, then you'll want to check out this sight. I stumbled across is last week while I was preparing my lesson for YW & my husbands lesson for primary. Double Duty!!! I had gone to all the usual websites, (sugardoodle, idea door, mormon share) and had yet to find exactly what I was looking for. I stumbled across Green Jello with Carrots and I went through their whole website! I ended up downloading a coloring sheet, YW bookmarks, and some other YW clipart.

Darling Young Women handouts. I am currently the 1st conselour in yw, and so I loved these. There are so many great ideas out there, and there are weeks when I just don't have the time to go and hunt for handouts and ideas.
Primary talks! I would so buy these. I hate coming up with talks and finding pictures for talks. This would be so worth my money.
They have some great things! It is not a completely free sight, but it's affordable. I paid .89 cents for the coloring sheet that I can save to my computer and reproduce. I'm using it for my hubby's lesson and I am also going to use if for Family Home Evening.
They also have a great little program called Freebie Fridays, where they offer one of their awesome products for free. So cool! You have to hurry though, because once Friday's done, the freebie is gone. I dowloaded their freebie last week and I'm on way to download todays! Head over and get yourself a little freebie!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this website tip.
    I went to the website and downloaded their freeby, then decided I wanted to purchase. I'm using one of the things for my Sharing Time tomorrow. Yea!


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