Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Miss Food

I have been on the HCG diet for 13 day's and food seems to be consuming my thoughts! I've decided that I am just not meant to be a skinny girl. I am dreaming about cookies and cupcakes, and baked potatoes. I have to admit I love food. This diet has been eye opening for me, however and I realize I do need to eat better and get in more exercise. But do you have to be miserable or can you find a balance?

I have lost 12 pounds. And I feel better, my pants are fitting much better. The first few days were miserable, but every day gets better. That doesn't mean that I am constantly tempted. Every time I see a cookie, I have to physically pull myself away. I'm also a little on the cranky side. I think my kids would rather a happy, chunky momma, then a skinny, awnry momma. But I am committed to do this diet for 23 day's and go from there. We'll see where I am at in 10 day's. I just hope there aren't cookies in my house on day 24, or I'm busted!

When you have no money, you like to window shop. To go to the mall or in my case the craft stores, and browse around and imagine what you could buy, if you had the money. It's kind of the same way with food. I have been blog hopping and have found some FABULOUS cooking blogs. I kid you not, I have printed about 100 recipes that are just waiting until May, when I can eat agian. My husband came in, while I was blog hopping and he thinks I am crazy for looking at food, but it's like window shopping. I am imagining how yummy it all tastes. Am I crazy, or what? I must share a few that I have stumbled upon. I am also adding their buttons to our side bar.

Stephanies Kitchen

Haylee's Food

A Cup of Sugar

Good Eats n' Sweet Treats She has this on her side bar! (In life, there are two types of people: those who eat to live, and those who live to eat. I fall within the latter group :) AMEN TO THAT SISTA!


  1. Are you doing it through a clinic or did you order the HCG online. I'm interested in doing this diet but I want to hear about it from real people.

    webowes at hotmail dot com

  2. I did this last year and the hardest part for me was no fruit. But I lost 20 + pounds in 2 months. Too bad the finances ran short and I started eating the same again. But I lost a lot in my belly which was wonderful! I've been thinking of doing it again-interested to hear if you are doing it online or at a doctors.

  3. I have never heard about that!! Do tell us more (even if you do dream of eating such yummy things- that is better than eating them- sort of)

  4. I did this diet for about 2 months before I got pregnant with Quinton. I lost 21 lbs and felt better, but it is SO hard that first week. It does seem to get easier over time. I would've kept with it, but I couldn't since I was pregnant. I tried to start it again after I had him, but I didn't have the determination I had before. Alas, I've gained back most of the weight and am looking at other options that could work better for me. Good Luck though!

  5. I don't think I've ever heard of this one. Do tell more!
    Good luck to you when you are done with the first phase of this.
    I lost 53 pounds in about 7 months doing South Beach, but I sure don't seem to be able to be that disciplined again.

  6. Does anyone have a trusted site that they order their HCG from? There are so many sites I want one I can trust. Thanks!!

  7. Wow!! You sound just like me!! And I don't even know you!! But I am enjoyin your blog!


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