Friday, April 17, 2009

A Cast with Bling Bling

My daughter BayLee broke her arm lastweek and just got her hard cast this week. We decided to cover the cast in jewels and beads. I let her pick out the beads and where to put them. We used hot glue to adhere the beads. She was so excited to show off her Bling Bling!!


  1. We have a broken arm here too- my 19 month old- what is with kids breaking their arms lately? Seriously, I know way too many people that this has happened to lately-my sister just got done having 2 of her kids in casts! Hope the recovery goes quickly! We have 2 more weeks over here :)

  2. Thanks. :) We have four more weeks to go. It is so hard. I feel bad for her. I really feel bad for your 19 month old-poor baby. I hope all goes well.

  3. I LOVE that! what a way to make the best out of the not so best :) very clever


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