Saturday, November 8, 2008

How Prepared Are You?

Let's talk about Preparedness. For those of you who don't know me, I am a food storage junkie, but only for about the last 1 and 1/2 years. I've been fortunate to acquire quite a bit of food storage in that time, but nowhere close to what I need.

My sister recently shared an experience with me that she said I could share on this blog. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants when she was telling it to me. Hysterical!! I love my sweet brother-in-law, and here in a moment, you'll understand why!

For family home evening they decided to do an emergency drill. My sister told them that they had just found out they had 3 minutes to grab everything they could and get out of the house. My sister has her 72-hour kits ready to go. She's also a preparedness junkie. So she's thinking this will be easy.

So she grabs her stopwatch and yells go. She takes off running for the 72-hour kits, but only after a moments hesitation. She said she wasn't sure if she should grab the scrapbooks first or come back for them is she had time. So she's getting the 72-hour kits and she comes flying back into the living room where my brother-in-law is still sitting on the couch. "That means you to," she yells. So he jumps up and runs for his GUNS. Just like a man, but my nephew is in his room shoving toys in his backpack and my 4-year-old niece is crying hysterically clutching at my sisters leg. And the baby is just sitting in the middle of the floor wondering, "What the heck is going on?"

So 3 minutes go by and they stop to see what they have managed to get out of the house. My sister grabbed the most. She had to have been flying all over the place. She had the 72-hour kits, 2 of the 4 sleeping bags, the kids blessing outfits, their temple bags, their small fireproof box, and the diaper bag. The diaper bag had no formula and no diapers. My brother-in-law who is in his pajama pants, grabbed all his guns and ammunition, his coveralls and two left boots. My nephew has his toys and a sweatshirt. He also grabbed his mom's scripture case, which was empty because they were on the table. They also discovered that they had no car seats in the car. No one had grabbed coats or shoes, and it turned out that the car battery was dead. What a night to do a preparedness drill!! My sister said it was really a bit unfair, because she had planned the activity and had had a chance to really think about it or they might not of even had what they did.

So the moral of this post is BE PREPARED!

And it leaves me asking you, my friends, how interested would you be in emergency preparedness and food storage posts? Is that something that you would like to see us do here on the blog, amidst all the other things we post about?


  1. What a great FHE idea. I think we should be doing drills so that when and if an emergency happens we will be prepared.

  2. I am so NOT prepared...I have 72 hour kits but still not enough to keep us surviving very well...that is a great idea for FHE and I LOVE that your BIL grabbed the gun and ammo (and 2 left shoes) I was laughing very hard as well...thanks for a great start to my morning...and a few sobering thoughts as to my preparedness...hope you all have a great weekend!!!

  3. Sure I'd love it.
    Wow what a great idea for FHE. We'll have to do this! Thanks for the idea.

  4. well, i am SO NOT prepared but AM a food storage junkie...i have my basement stocked with extras of stuff like apple juice, pasta, cereal, chips, etc. I LOVE buying things on sale and storing them in my basement cabinets.

  5. I'd love more info..especially on how to go 72 hour kits that aren't too heavy when you have little kids that can't really carry that much. :)

  6. Yes, yes, yes!! I need all the ideas I can get!!

  7. Yes, please! I need help, inspiration, good ideas...everything! I sure enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  8. OK! That is hilarious! Mostly becuase I can picture it happening! Austin is so funny!

  9. LOL!!!!! I need to get my 72 hour kits. That is one thing I don't have yet!!!!

  10. And yes preparedness stuff on here would be great!!!


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