Friday, January 21, 2011

2011 Young Womens Theme Block

Even though it's been months since I was released from Young Women's I still miss it.  I got asked to help out with a craft project for New Beginnings and jumped at the chance.  These were pretty easy to make.  In fact, we had the girls make them.  We had them precut and sanded for them. I got the cute subway art from Melinda over at Under My Umbrella. She is seriously talented!!
We used 2x6 boards and cut them into 6 inch blocks.  We had the girls paint the entire block black.  Then we took a piece of scrapbook paper and modgepodged it onto the board. Then we took the subway art and attached it with modge podge to the front of the block.  Add another coat of modge podge, tie a cute bow and you have a way cute reminder of the theme for the year!
I had a blast coming up with them.  I tried making them in different sizes, but this was the cutest.  It was a great project to be involved in.  I came up with the idea and my friend and her hubby did all the gathering, cutting and sanding!  I got to go and help the girls make them!  It was perfect!


  1. I want to make these for my girls. I just have a few questions...if your blocks were 6x6, what size was the article of faith paper?

  2. I love these, but we made something similar for girls camp last year. I am in charge of the craft this year and used this inspiration to do photo frames. Is it possible to purchase the clip art from yu from the bottle cap necklaces you made? I would like to hang them from the ribbon on the picture frame. Thanks. Laurie Moore. or 623-206-7324.


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