Thursday, October 21, 2010

E is for Elmo and Egg

 Agian, these are for our ABC book.  The idea came from here.
This was a last minute time filler.  We had done the Cookie Monster faces, and so I thought, "Why not do an Elmo plate?"  These were much simpler.  Used 2 inch punches for the eyes and nose, a bingo dobber for the black in the eye's and I cute 3 inch circles in half for the mouth.

I have quite a few more E things for you!!  Mostly experiments that we did.  I will post more of those, possibly next week.  I want to make sure to get all the Halloween projects we've been doing posted before the big day.  Most of them we have been doing at home to try them out, prior to preschool, just to make sure they are doable.  See you tomorrow with some fun stuff!

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