Monday, July 26, 2010

Look Who We Met

Mandee, Cjane & I
Just wanted to send you a quick note to say hi!!! I am missing you all, but the bloggy break is good. I hope to be back next week, but will have to see how it goes. School starts August 11, and then hopefully we will be back on track.
One of the highlights of my bloggy break is that I got to meet Cjane!!! Mandee gets all the credit for setting that one up, Mandee booked her to speak at girls camp. It was the coolest thing ever! I made a huge fool of myself, because I was so excited!! She is the rock star of the blogging world!! She is so sweet and such a fun person. Next time we meet her, we hope it's with showers and not 4 day-old campfire hair!
Anyway, hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer. See you next week to recap our adventures!

1 comment:

We love your comments! We thrive on your comments! Thanks for visiting and come back soon!