Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mock Canvas

I meant to make this into a tutorial with step by step photo's. I got so caught up in the project, I only took 1 photo and that was this one!
What you will need is a canvas, a paper cutter, a saying or a picture, and modge podge.

1. Print out your picture and trim down to the exact size of the canvas.
2. Spread a layer of Modge Podge onto the canvas and lay the picture down. Make sure you have it even all the way around.
3. Push out any air bubbles in the paper and wait for it to dry. I only waited about 20 minutes.
4. Spread a thin layer of modge podge on top of the paper and let dry completely.

I roughed up the edges on this picture. I did that because I messed it up. I had just a teeny bit hanging over the edge of the canvas. I tried to trim it off and messed it up, so I roughed up the whole picture. I actually like the way it turned out.

Sorry for the hand. I couldn't get a good angle without glare. But here is one I did with some clip art off of Sugardoodle. It has the 2010 Mutual theme on it. I am going to make some more of these to go in our camp store this year. I hope the girls will like them.
I just typed up the Keep Calm sign, but for a printable one, you can go here. I thought hers were cute, but they just weren't what I wanted. I would share but mine, but sadly I am having some computer problems. The font I used was Rockwell and it's size 100.
These seriously look like real canvas pictures. Easy and cheap! My kinda craft. I found my canvas at the Dollar Store a while back! I went back yesterday to get more and they didn't have any, but you can also get them at Micheal's or Roberts. Remember your coupon!!

1 comment:

  1. That's cute! And I promise I always have my coupon! :D


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