Thursday, May 20, 2010

I've Been Busy

I got a new niece this week. I love babies. Who doesn't? There is something wonderful about holding a new little sweetie so fresh from heaven. Well, we didn't know what this baby was and so as soon as I found out, I started sewing.

I didn't actually make this. My friend Shelly had it in her ribbon box, but we paired it up with the cute Minnie Mouse onesies below.

Darling!! This is the first time I have ever done appliques. I pretty much just followed the directions on the wonder under and it turned out cute.

She is a Mickey Mouse fan. HUGE! So I loved this. The only thing I wish I had done differently was put the bow on crooked. But it's cute.
And of course a little, warm, snugglie, blanket!
I love any excuse to break out my sewing machine!

1 comment:

  1. I love it so much I just keep mine out at all times! LOVE the onesies!


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