Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jelly Bean Jewlery

This was one of the easiest projects and so much fun. We've attempted to make jewelry out of candy before, and failed miserably with candy corn. This was so easy and the kids loved making their own candy jewelry.

Simply string a needle with heavy duty thread or dental floss. Tie a knot in the end leaving enough of a tail to tie it off at the end. And let the kids string them on. They are a big tough to get the need through. We had pretty big jelly beans. Next time I would probably go with smaller. My 5-year-old was even able to do this. Although, it was taking him forever to get them on, so I ended up helping in the end. I made my 2-year-olds while she handed me sticky sucked on jelly beans! But the 3 older kids, did fabulous and did it all by themselves. This would be a craft from about Kindergarten up. It does get a bit sticky! But that is half the fun!
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  1. That looks like so much fun...I am going to have to try that!!

  2. When I tried doing this with pre-schoolers, it didn't turn out very well. The needles were too pokey (one little girl poked her finger hard enough it made her cry), our needles got super sticky and it was kinda hard to get the jellybean to slide down the string. (We used Jelly Bellies and elastic string for jewelry making.)

    Did you have any of these problems..or was it just me? :)


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