Friday, February 12, 2010

Peace, Love, & Tye Dye

Isn't this an awesome picture? It's Mandee's little gal. She makes an awesome hippie!

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Tye Dye has been around forever! We can thank the Hippies for that!
Last week our kids had a 60's day at school. So Mandee and I helped them do a little tye dye project and make shirts. They turned out AWESOME! We had 6 kids making shirts. It was a little bit cRaZy! But we survived!
There are so many way's to tye dye. We kinda cheated. I bought a couple of awesome kit's at Joanne's on clearance a while back.
I think I paid $3 for each kit.
We laid plastic out over my table. used rubber bands to wrap a few places on the shirts and let the kids go to town with the squeeze bottles. After the t-shirts were thoroughly soaked we put them in Ziploc bags and left them overnight. Leaving the rubber bands in, was them in cold water and you have an awesome hippie shirt!

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