Monday, January 4, 2010

What is your Word??

I read an inspiring post, that hit home for me. It was written last year, in regards to New Years Resolutions. We all have resolutions don't we? I have atleast one that is the same, every year. LOSE WEIGHT! I lost 50 lbs. last year and it was AWESOME, but there is still work to be done there. But the idea of this post was to pick a word, that you wanted to define your year.

A word to define your year. There are so many to chose from. Some of the words I am tossing around are Believe, Faith, Hope, Love, Simplify, and Peace. Any one of those words would leave us inspired in our daily life, if we were to keep it in our thoughts constantly.

I have really had a hard time picking a word or phrase that fits me. I had an experience the other day, that helped me to decide what my phrae would be. I had the opportunity to attend the temple with the youth in our ward and one of the things they talked to the youth about was being still. How that we go to the temple and leave our phones and worldly cares behind, we can just be still and feel the spirit. I was quite emotional, as what was said, seemed to be directed right at me.

I thought about that all week and my phrase for this new year is "Be Still." Not just be still by attending the temple more often, but to allow myself time each day to Be Still. I go a millions miles a minute and so this will be hard for me, but I feel like I need that time to revive spiritualy and emotionally each day. Twenty minutes each day when I just sit and meditate, maybe read. My own time to be still.

We'll see how it goes. I hope I can implement that into my life. I think it will make me a better wife and a mother. I hope it does. There is alway's room for improvement. What is your word, that you would choose? Take some time to think about it and get back to me.....


  1. "be still" is a great one. This year mine will be "faith" not only to practice more on my faith by reading the BOM and attending all my meettings, going to the temple etc, but by having faith that everything will be ok. We are going through a very difficult time right now ( with the economy) and most likely losing our home. I just have to have faith that it will all work out.

  2. You can guess that mine is "balance"
    Always searching.....

  3. Mine is Today. I want to live each day for that day & not worry about the past & future! I considered the word Be last year, btw :) I think it is a great word!

  4. Mine is "Be better". I figure I can't fail at that. At some point this year I will have to be doing something better than I did last year. A better mom, wife;), church member, neighbor, visiting teacher, activity girls leader, housekeeper, budgeter, cook, Daisy leader, events leader....There are so many things that I could be better at. So that is my yearly theme. Good Luck!!

  5. Love this post. Be still is powerful. It is through stillness that we can really connect to our real self. Have a wonderful year. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing, dianne


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