Monday, January 11, 2010

Cardboard Racetrack

I was over on the Mother Huddle the other day and saw this post, about recyclable crafting. Well, it inspired this racetrack! We all want to help the planet right?

This was the greatest Saturday afternoon project! The kids played with it for hours and were so excited. It made it worth the 2 hours it took me to cut out all the pieces and to put it all together.

I've seen this done with cereal boxes, and it's very cool. I only have a couple of open boxes of cereal, so........

I used boxes. This is just a few of the left over boxes I had after my Alison's Pantry order. I started cutting up pieces to make this track. I used a hot glue gun to attach all the pieces. I was going to use packing tape, but we couldn't find it.

The kids love the tunnel. The nice thing about this track is that it's a bit flexible so they can lift portions of it and make jumps and hills. I added guard rails on the corner's of the track and I added a few jumps in the corners. It's super flexible so the kids can make more jumps by putting more boxes or toys underneath it. The kids loved drawing flames and road lines on it, also.
The kids spent the afternoon making cars jump off the tunnel. I spent the afternoon in front of the jump trying to catch a really good picture of the cars as they came off. This one is so awesome and it's really the only good one I got. The kids thought it was hilarious to watch me dodge the cars as they came flying at my face!
The great thing, is that this track will last a long time and hopefully get a lot of playtime. It's also pretty easy to fold up and put in a closet or corner when you need the space.

1 comment:

  1. Brandy!!!! What a great idea!!!! We are going to be featuring a select number of crafts throughout the series, this is definitely going to be one of them...actually I think we may have to use it this week to show everyone what they're up against!
    Remember the first wed of every month we will be having a link party so you will need to come up with another one to link to, cause we are going to have to use this one wed....thanks so much for letting us know! and for helping to spread the word, we think this will be a great monthly event if we can get a lot of people involved, thanks again!


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