Friday, December 11, 2009

What do you do with empty frames?

Oh, the things you can do with a picture frame. It's amazing the things you can make. My friend, Shelley, makes darling bow holders out of frames. They use chicken wire across the back, similiar to what Creative Crate does.

This is what I did with my empty frame.
I picked this frame up at DI for $2.00. It was missing the backing, so it was just the glass and the frame. I sanded it down and painted it black. Then we used a glue, similiar to Gorilla Glue to glue the glass to the frame. I had this vinyl left over from last year, so I put it onto the glass, and then I hung it above all my nativities.

I LOVE it!! Although, I don't recommend using vinyl that has been sitting. Geez, made this project take a lot longer than it should have, but that's okay. I really do love it! Simple, yet very beautiful!
My friend, Andie, did this with her empty frame. She let her kids make a nativity scene on the glass and then modge podged over it. Super cute and something they will treasure forever, becasue they did it together!

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