Thursday, November 12, 2009


If you haven't tried Zumba, your missing out. This is my new addiction. Every morning my alarm goes off at 5:20 in the morning so that I can get up and go to Zumba at 5:50. I love it! It's the best way to start my day off.

Basically it's choreographed routines set to Latin and merengue music. In recent years many different types of music have been added, but the base of the routines is set in Latin and merengue and a little bit of rock n' roll. It's a lot of fun! You can buy dvd's and do Zumba at home, but I am much more motivated to get up and go somewhere to do it. It's a lot of fun because I have lot's of friends who go and do it every morning with me and that motivates me to get out of bed and shake my booty! Oh and there is lot's of shaking going on when you do Zumba. There are belly dancing routines and routines that require you to shimmy!! Oh my!!

It really is a a great way to work out. I was so uncomfortable when I first started going and way self-conscious, but now I don't care. I just go to have a good time. It took me awhile to realize that everyone was not looking at me, because they were to busy concentrating on what they were doing to notice what I was doing. Your kind of in your own little bubble when you do it.

As you all know, Mandee and I are involved with PTO, and we recently started Zumba Kids at our school two days a week. Our oldest, who are both 7 completely love it. It is so much fun for the kids.

You should definitely looked for a Zumba class in your area. You'll love it, I promise


  1. I have looked in to it a few times.. I just can't get myself to buy it. I can't go to classes, we just have to crazy of a schedule for me to commit to something out of the house. (DH could be called in at any time, so it is best if I am home) But I am in need of a little mix up, The Firm and elliptical are getting a little old. However, I LOVE the FIRM!!!

  2. I love your blog and have been a reader for sometime, I had NO idea you lived in Dixie! How cool :) I LOVE Zumba too, but life has been getting in the way lately. This is going to motivate me to go again. My problem is all the classes start too late, what gym in town has that early of a class?!

  3. I love it when we find a neighbor:). The class I go to is in Ivins, through the city. I know that the St. George rec center also offfers classes in the morning, but it's like 10:00 am. Have you been to the warehouse??

  4. I used to belong to Rezults but I gave that membership up, so I have been going to the rec center ( st. george) but yeah, the classes atr too late in the day.. thst it ends up being your whole day!
    The wherehouse.. is that the new one off of Dixie Drive, end of Valley View? If so I need to, I live so close to it!
    I have been to the Dance center on River side drive.. 8 o clock at night is not my thing either.
    I will check into Ivins! Thanks :)
    Small world huh?!!


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