Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nativity Blocks

I am in charge of a Super Saturday next month and have had a good time finding crafts that everyone would enjoy doing. This is by far the most popular craft this year. It is a nativity that I found on Enrichment Crafts. They have a kit that they send you with the blocks precut and the stickers. All we have to do the day of Super Saturday is put stain on the blocks, put the stickers on the blocks, then do a light coating of modge podge over the top and wala- you have a Nativity that the kids can play with!


  1. We made these Nativity Blocks as a YW Fundraiser one year...big hit.
    Some people got very creative and fancy using felt, sequins, etc. and carving the blocks to match the shape that was glued on the wood.

  2. Hey how much are they? Those are way cute.

  3. They are $13.00. Let me know if you want me to order one for you. :)

  4. Hello! I found your blog once upon a time and I bookmarked it. Come to find out that you are in the same town I am!! I LOVE these and have been wanting to do this. Is there any way I could get in on the order????




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