Thursday, September 10, 2009

PTO Hiatus

To our fellow blog readers!! Brandy and I have been sucked into PTO _ _ _ _. Because of our "willingness" to serve we have been made PTO CO vicepresidents. Neither one of us can still believe it and we are finding out how much work this is. We have jumped in head first and are just trying to stay afloat. Because of this our blog may be a little neglected for awhile. We will still post as often as we can but we just don't want you to wonder why we all of a sudden don't have a new post to share. So it will probably go from a new post every day to a couple a week. Hopefully we will be able to get back ahead of things. If anyone has any ideas on how to juggle everything please let us know!!! We are so thankful for all of you that come by and please be patient with our new adjustment.....we sure are trying to be!!!!!!!


  1. I feel your pain. As PTA President, I tell everyone I have been sucked into PTA-Land and part of my brain is gone.
    My last month has been so intense. Thankfully, my Board is amazing. I am sure your Board is, also, with you two involved.

  2. Completely understand Mandee. I also am part of PTT (Parents and Teachers Together) out here and on top of that, a scout leader. Good luck with PTA this year. Will look forward to new updates as they appear.


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