Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shorts: Movie Review

This was a pretty cute movie. My boys, ages 7 & 4 loved it! It has a great moral to the story, be careful what you wish for. It has William Macey in it, who I love and also Leslie Mann who is another favorite of mine.

The story is about a magical, rainbow stone that grants wishes. The main character of the story is Toe Thompson, who wishes for some friends. He is the narrator of the story and it kind of jumps around to different kids in the neighborhood and what happens when the stone comes into their possession. Everything is going okay until the adults get a hold of the stone and then the trouble really begins!!

There is a little girl in the story named Helvetica Black, and she cracked me up. She is 2-year-old daughter in 10 years. She's the leader of the bullies and gets her older brother, Cole to do all the dirty work. She had me in stitches.

This movie did not get any great reviews. I looked at some fan reviews and a lot of people did not like it. We did like it. It is a little diffrent. The story is told completely out of order and in sets of short stories. It was kind of fun. It's a kids movie, what can you expect? It's better than some and defiently not as great as others. If you have any doubts, wait until it comes out on dvd!

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