Saturday, August 8, 2009

HCG: Here we go agian

The picture in black & white is from about a week ago and the picture in color was taken 1 week before I started the HCG. Big diffrence, huh? It's embarrassing to show the difference, but I think it helps people to see the diffrence 40 pounds makes. I had my little boy take some pictures of me today and I will try to post those in the next few days to show you the diffrence from beginning to end of a cyle of HCG.

That's right I am beginning another round of HCG. I will try to do random updates on the blog to let you know how it is going. I started this morning with my load up days! I ate a coconut cupcake for breakfast! It was heavenly, but I feel pretty yucky right now. I always do on the days you load up. My body just isn't used to that much sugar and fat.

This is my third round of HCG. I am hoping to lose atleast another 15 lbs. Here is my stats in all their awful yuckiness.

I started out at 238 lbs. The heaviest I have EVER been. Three kids later, it was bound to have left a mark on my poor body. I just never lost anything after my third child, two years ago. After two rounds of HCG, I was at 198 lbs. Today I weighed in at 201. They say to stay within 2 lbs. of your last HCG dose day, so I was up 1 lb. this morning. It was the coconut cupcake I had last night and the panini, I am sure, that put me over.

If you want to follow me in my journey, I will post an update every Saturday.


  1. I am interested to see the journey- way to go losing what you have lost! :)

  2. I just have a quick question, we have a metabolic weightloss clinic here that uses HCG and I'm considering it, however, it's during the time that I will be back in school for my final semester. While you were on the program, how was your thought and mental status? I mean, were you able to concentrate without problems? By the way, I appreciate your sharing this journey with the rest of us.

  3. I love your blog and always get darling ideas from it!
    I think you look great! HCG is big where I live and my SIL just finished hers. She has a pretty cool blog with daily updates and recipes and pics of the food, and mental updates if you need some inspiration!


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