Monday, July 20, 2009

HCG Update

So, I've noticed that alot of traffic has come to our blog from Google, and people looking up the HCG diet. I have also had several of you, my faithful friends and readers contact me about my experience and ask questions. I have posted about my experience with the HCG diet before, click here to check out those posts.

I just recently came off of it agian. This was my second round. I did the shots for 40 days the first time, and drops for 14 days the second time. I liked the drops much better. My energy was much higher on the drops and I wasn't hungry like I was on the shots.

I have lost a total of 40 lbs and I have gone down from a size 20 to a 14. IT'S AN AMAZING FEELING! My self confidence is up and my energy is out of control! I think I may do it agian, but I am going to take a break for a few months. I'm thinking maybe agian in October. The most amazing thing is that I have been able to maintain the weight loss. It's defiently a change of lifestyle and eating habits. I am going to have to really watch what I eat for the rest of my life, because it could be very easy to slip.

Lot's of people have asked me where I got the shots, and I got those online. My friend who also did it actually did the ordering. I'm not exactly sure where she got them. The drops are being sold locally in my town, by one of my friends. I know lots of you are looking to purchase HCG from a reliable source. The biggest question that people have asked me is, where can you purchase it and know it's safe? If your interested in doing the drops, you can contact Karen. She is willing to ship them. If your interested, contact her at , she and her husband have both done this diet and lost a ton of weight. Karen knows lots about it and she is a great resource for those who are interested. She can fill you in on the price and all the details when she contacts you. Just tell her Brandy sent ya and she'll take care of you. She's great!!

Good luck to all of you who are thinking of doing it!! It's a hard decision and one that it took me almost 9 months to make, but I am happy that I did it. It was the right decision for me.


  1. And you are looking fabulous by the way!

  2. It sounds like you are doing a great job. I have been following your blog and just realized that you are doing the HCG diet. I am starting as soon as my HCG comes in...we ordered it last week. I have been walking between 2-4 miles per day and the weight just wasn't coming off so a friend recommended the HCG diet and I decided to try it. I hope to lose at least 20-30 lbs in the 40 days of injections but we shall see! Anyway, keep up the great job!!~


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