Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Live in the Bat Cave

Have I mentioned that it is HOT where Mandee and I live? If I haven't told you before, it is!! My house faces west. I get the sun shining directly in my house from about 2 o'clock on, which is great for 8 months out of the year, but from June to September it makes my family room and kitchen unbearable. We have tried several different things to remedy this. We placed emergency blankets in our windows which was great because it let some light in, but it was still too hot. We have hung heavy quilts over the curtain rod which helps, but looks so tacky.

And then we tried blackout material. I found this at Joanne's and it's fairly inexpensive when you consider how much it saves on my electric bill. I think it was around $6.00 a yard. This is the material that they use when they make heavy draperies. Every year we pull it out and staple it into the frame around the windows. It works extremely well to block out the heat. It's amazing the difference it makes. This fabric is looking a little worn, but it has been used for several years in a row. I think I may have to replace it next year.

Here is my hubby stapling it up. We just pull it tight and staple. It does take 2 of us, but goes quickly.
You can't tell from the inside and it's so cool in my house. It's like I live in a cave and I do miss the sunlight, but don't miss the cooling bill! From the outside it just looks like we have curtains up. It's an option if your looking for something to help keep the cooling bill down this summer.


  1. Hey girls! I've given you a "One Lovely Blog" award! You can view it on my "Creative Itch" blog! Play along if you like!

  2. I use the "insulated" curtains. I get mine at Wal-mart for $13 for one panel, so a little spendy but they look nice and it makes a huge difference in the temp control. We live in AZ so I do know about heat ;) And it is worth the extra money for the curtain since it makes such a difference in the temp of the room, both winter and summer. Good luck!


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