Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Am I The Only One

Ok, I have a confession to make! I simply CANNOT get into the Twilight series. I finally finished book one in time to watch the movie.....and I really liked the movie but not as much as the book. They left out some of my favorite parts and added parts that weren't even in the book, which then confused me even more.
I have been trying and trying to read book two but I just can't get into it. First of all I am so not into sci fi type stuff. If it is far out I just can't do it. I just have a few things to say about Twilight and I know it will probably make diehard Twilight fans upset. I think Edward is bad for Bella. Hello! He will eat her if she isn't careful. He is cold, he is sneaky and he sneaks into her bedroom and watches her sleep!! HELLO red flags. :) I say this in all good fun but it is kinda creepy isn't it?
A lot of you are probably asking yourselves, "Well, Mandee. If you don't like it, why are you reading it for heavens sake. Put the book down and start a new book". Well, I can't do that. Haven't you noticed that every group of ladies will bring up the book at least one time during a girls night out? It is the talk at church groups, playgroups, PTO meetings, school functions (even my 6 year old is convinced she is Alice-thank heavens she isn't Bella :) ). If I don't read this series, I will have to sit like a muntint with nothing to say. I can't be the only person in the room that hasn't read this bizzare series. When I say I am only on book two eyes seriously bulge out of their shocked faces and they say "YOU ARE???YOU HAVEN"T READ THE WHOLE SERIES???" See my problem????
Thank heavens my friends still love me and still invite me to midnight movie primeires and book releases. I am always up for a girls night out as long as they will go with me to movies like Die Hard and Taken!
Any advice on Twilight? Do the books get more interesting?


  1. They absolutely get more interesting. When it first came out, I wasn't interested at all. I didn't understand what all the hype was about. Then about a few weeks ago my daughters friend brought the movie over and I just fell in love with it. I had to buy the movie and then I read all 4 books in a week. It is just a great love story! I love it. It's sad, happy, suspense, action. Great all around. Now I'm addicted and I'm one of those ladies that always talks about it. Other ladies at my job love it too. I know sad. I'm 31 acting like a kid. My kids laugh at me. But I guess if your not into it your just not into it. :-) Keep us posted if you do decide to continue with it.

  2. Me Me Me! I have tried ti read book three for the last year and I have only made it to the third chapter. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one.

  3. I hear you! I read them...but dont love them. I dont love or like the characters. I was hoping the movie would make me like the books more, but no.
    I did not get in to Stephanie Meyers new book, The Host, either.

  4. I put down Book 2 the first time I tried reading it as well. I thought it was stupid. I still do. I never could read it, but my MIL got them on CD so I listened to them on my commute - it's the only way I could get through 2 and 3. But when Book 4 came out, I devoured it. It was worth wading through Books 2 and 3 for. And I almost got lynched at a book club for saying book 2 and 3 were stupid, but there you are... Good luck! (though I'm with whoever's been telling you not to bother reading them if you don't like the genre. read what you like. then when people freak out that you haven't read the books, just invite them to tell you what they love about them or what happens or what they wanted to happen or whatever. you don't have to be mute - just ask questions.)

  5. Don't trust my opinion??? I promise you'll like most of book 2 because you love Jacob. The last half is my favorite part and it takes place in Italy!!!!! You'll love it! Keep trying, but I will still love ya even if you don't finish it!

  6. We'll make our own Twilight-free playgroup because I haven't read them either and have no intention to!

  7. Book 2 was the hardest for me to get into also. I didn't love that a lot of it was in Italy. I wanted to know more about what was going on at "home". I think if you make it through book 2, you'll like book 3&4.
    I'm not an obsessed fan, like some of my friends are...but I did like finishing the series.

  8. I'm a twilight fan, but I have to be honest book 2 & 3 were hard on me. Good luck if you aren't already into it. For me though, book 2 & 3 both got really good half way through. I absolutely loved book 4 though, it totally brought everything together for me.


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