Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day

Who doesn't love a day where you can play jokes and pranks on people? This is a big day at my house. We try to out do eachothers pranks from the years before. Things we have done before are tying their underwear in knots, putting salt in the pancakes for breakfast (just one for each person, we made real ones too), ping pong balls in the cupboards, short sheeting beds, and we have put plastic ants in eachothers beds.

We emphasize to the kids that it has to be done in good fun. It can't hurt anyone physically or hurt their feelings. Of course my husband and I take it a little bit farther with eachother but it is all fun and we end up still loving eachother at the end of the day.

I found some really good sites. For the history of the day go here. There are quite a few sites with ideas April Fool Zone , Museum of Hoaxes, and a great one for kids Family Fun.

So here is to a day of fooling!!! Have a fun day.

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