Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our Favorite LDS websites

***The Enrichment Cottage Link works now***

I love the Internet. I love blogging, because it is an outlet to the outside world. I also love that it allows women the opportunity to connect across oceans and continents. I love that we are able to share ideas on being mothers and life lessons!

While these websites are aimed at those of us, who share the LDS faith, they are full of great ideas on teaching Christian based values, such as friendship, respect, kindness and just about anything else that you could think of. Mandee and I wanted to share a few of our favorites. You can click on any of the buttons, to link directly to the sight!

If you don't know about Sugardoodle, I must ask, where have you been hiding? I visit Sugardoodle every day! I am in the Young Women's in our ward and I use it constantly for that and I also use if for primary talks, family home evenings, visiting teaching handouts, you name it. What an awesome sight!!

Family Home Evening in a Snap is a new find and one that is full of great ideas for family home evening. It's like your part of a FHE group, but all the work is done for you. We did an awesome FHE on Testimony last night that we got from this sight! It's definitely one to check out.

Chocolate on my Cranium is a great place to find, FHE ideas.

Overheard In The Ward
Laugh out loud, pee your pants kind of funny!! We are a peculiar people, aren't we?? But it makes life interesting!

Ah Stephanie and Courtney! For some reason, I can't get Courtney's button to work, so you'll just have to click on her name. I love these two ladies. They inspire me and make me laugh. I wish they were my neighbors!

Just Around This Corner, Laurel Christensen is AWESOME! She inspires me, makes me laugh and just a great read! Check her out!

There are so many websites, that it would be hard to name them all! Here are a few more that we visit on a regular basis to get ideas for callings, for FHE, and so much more!

Enrichment Cottage
Mormon Share
The Idea Door
LDS Splash

Do you have favorites, that we missed? Please leave us a comment and hook us up with your favorite blogs.


  1. LOVE these sites! We travel in so many of the same circles, we Mormon girls!

  2. Thanks so much! The girls in our ward have tried to get a blog going and so I linked this to our site! Thanks so much :)

  3. By the way, here is a link to a great girl who designs Visiting Teaching Kits that are WAY WAY cute!!


    she has a way cute button too :)

  4. Enrichment Cottage does not open. It says "web page can not be found." Just wondering if there is another link? Thanks. I really love your site

  5. I found another great one this morning in my "Blogging Time". Here it is

    Really cute FHE ideas. It is on our sidebar.


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