Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stranger Safety

We rented this movie from the library, the other night. I had heard a lot of good about it from other parents and had seen an advertisement on TV for it. OH MY GOSH!! It makes you laugh out loud. For all you parents out there, it can be a little bit over the top and sometimes obnoxious, but your kids will love it. Mine laughed their butts off!! They make it funny and the present realistic situations and settings, that your children may find themselves in. The Safeside Superchick is funny and she makes her point. I think they make it silly and fun and bright, so that the images will stay with the kids. If it was boring, what is the chance that they will remember it?

I have talked to my kids many times about safety and strangers. I have a situation in my neighborhood that warrants it. I thought this would be a great way to reinforce the talks that we have had and it was. I would recommend to any parent that you watch this movie with your child.

You can also check out The Safe Side, for more activities, downloads and tons of ideas for keeping your children safe. If your interested in ordering the video, they sell it on their sight. Check your local library, though. You might just get lucky!!

Has anyone else seen this dvd and if you have what do you think???

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