Monday, February 9, 2009

2 of My Favorite Books

I hope that every mom has had a chance to read Love You, Forever. It's one of the sweetest books ever. I got this for a shower gift, when I was pregnant with my oldest. I read it before I even had him and I cried and cried. It's such a touching story about the love of a mother and how being a mother, never ends. It goes on and on. Each of my boys have one of these books for their keepsake box, because it conveys the way that I fell about my boys. I will love them forever!!!!!

Right after I had, my little girl I was standing in line at Dessert Book and just happened to pick up this book. I had tears streaming down my face in the line and I carried the book up to the counter and paid for it. I absolutely had to have it. This is a sweet story about a mother and her daughter. It starts out as her daughter is a baby and transitions into childhood, adulthood and eventually motherhood. It's absolutely a beautiful story and one that will surely have you reaching for the tissue's. This book is not really for the kids, but it's one all you mothers will cherish. Someday, your children will appreciate the beautiful illustrations and the meanings behind the words. One of my all time favorites.

Both of these books would make great mothers day presents. But be sure to include a box of tissue in the package, because both are proven to make mothers cry!!


  1. I am crying just looking at the pictures of the books. These are some of my favorites, also!

  2. I haven't read someday but i love I will Love you Forever. I heard it for the first time in Relief Society in a college ward. Obviously none of us had children yet but there was not a dry eye in the room. Sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

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