Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Who Do You Love, FHE

We did a really fun family home evening this week. I cut out a ton of colored hearts and we talked about what it means to love someone. Then I had the kids draw a picture of or write on the hearts all the people they loved. They had so much fun! I then took them and hung them up in our living room where we will leave them until Valentine's day is over, that way the kids can remember all the people they love!! We have Grandma & Grandpa's, cousins, aunts & uncles, friends, and even grandpa's dog. It was super easy and super fun!


  1. LOVE this idea! You just took care of next week's Family Home Evening AND some Valentine Decorations!
    I am going to link this idea from my blog!

  2. Such a cute idea! And it looks great in your house.

  3. I'm sooo doing this by myself tomorrow. I need a reminder of who loves me.

    No worries just having a downer of a week. Being grown up is hard! :)

    Your ideas are so wonderful!


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