Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thrift Store Find

I ran to D.I. the other day to drop off some toy's. We've been cleaning out and preparing for Christmas in my boy's room. I glanced to the left as I went to get in to the car and I saw this picture. I had to have it. I asked the man closest to me, actually he was a young kid, how quickly things were put in the store. He asked if I wanted it and of course I said yes, so he told me to go inside and they would bring it in to me. So another nice man brings it in and starts to tease me. He sold the picture already, someone in the back wanted it. "GIVE ME THE DANG PICTURE," I thought. The guy reminded me of my father-in-law. He asked me how much I was willing to pay for it and asked if $10.00 was fair. "Yeah", I said. So he tells me to wait a minute and walks away to put a price on the picture. He only charged me $2.00!! Is that a steal or what?

The original frame was gold and it was filthy. I just did not like it at all. So Josh spray painted it black for me and I am in love with it. Is it possible to be in love with a picture? The picture itself needs a little touching up, but where it is so high on my wall you can hardly tell. I will take it in to see if it could be restored. There are just a few minor little scratches. Here is the kicker. It is by Liz Lemon Swindel, who does amazing work. there is a signature on the print!! I don't need anything else for Christmas, I'm happy!!



  1. That is a great picture. I have never seen it before. Great find Brandy!!!! I love DI!!!!

  2. Awesome find!!! I like it with the darker frame too. Glad you got such an incredible deal!!!

  3. Ha ha! I was thinking great find, beautiful! Obviously I wasn't the only one. Merry Christmas to you.

  4. Oh my gosh! You are soooo stinking lucky! Did you know that that picture sells for like $300 in Desert Books?! Even more! It's been on my list for years...I love it!

  5. It turned out so great. I love the black. I think the DI Santa was there in a way, what a great picture!!

  6. i love it it looks great. i wish i could have found hat picture. i have been wanting one for a while but i can't find the one i like.

  7. How beautiful! I have always loved that picture! And it looks so much better painted black!


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