Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quilts for Nie Nie

 Threads Of Love

My friend Candice is so sweet!! She is heading up Threads of Love, which is an amazing project. The tragedy of Stephanie and Christian Nielson has touched the hearts of everyone in the blogging world. Nie Nie is amazing! She's beautiful, witty, crafty and a GREAT mom!

Her sister CJane is also amazing! She has taken Stephanie's four beautiful children in as her own. Candice was inspired to start this project after she read a this post about the loss of 4 beautiful baby blankets that Stephanie had made for her children. She had made them from their baby onesies and they were lost on the side of the road somewhere between Arizona and here.

Candice is asking for help from all of her fellow bloggers to make new quilts for Stephanie's children. All she is asking for is donation of material. Please donate 4.5"squares of the most Nie-esque fabric you can find to make new vintage quilts for Nie's children! You are welcome to send as many squares as you would like and you can even label them to be donated to either Claire, Jane, Oliver, or Gigs' quilt specifically. Click on the link above or directly on the button to go and see her sight that she has dedicated to this beautiful project. Thanks Candice!!

1 comment:

  1. it's not surprising that i missed this the first time...things are a bit crazy around here! thank you for spreading the word! loves you! sometimes being sick is a blessing in disguise...a good excuse to sit around while your house falls apart and blog!


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