Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pirates and A Great Christmas Gift Idea

I've gone Modge Podge crazy! You should see all the fun stuff I'm crafting around this place!! You will, eventually, but I thought I should post this, because it goes along with Halloween, being that it's Pirates. And Andie, if you see it before Brenden's Party, sorry! I couldn't wait to share it.

My cute little buddy is having a pirate birthday party today. So I wanted to follow the pirate theme. I love giving homemade presents. It's just what I do. So the other day Brenden was at my house and saw some of the holiday tins that I was making and he said he thought they were cool. So I made him a cool one with skull and crossbones on it. Of course I filled it with some fun little pirate treasures. Then I decided to make him this fun little magnet set. I made about a million of these magnet sets two years ago for just about every kid I knew. I did them in nativities and pirates and oh, so many other things. I can't even tell you where I got the tins because I ordered a ton of them for a super Saturday project 3 years ago and ended up with dozens of them left,
The magnet's are sooo EASY! You buy a roll of magnet at Robert's. Make sure you use your 40% off coupon, it helps a lot. I paid about $6.00 a sheet for magnet and you can do oodles of magnets off a sheet. Peel the stickers off and stick on the magnet and cut out. The stickers work better if they are clear on the edges. I have done jungle sets, farms animals, Cars, Kung-Foo Panda, bugs and just about anything popular that kids like. These are the BEST Sunday toys. Stick them in the diaper bag and they keep kids busy forever.

Fun stuff!! Do you tink he'll like it? I sure hope so!!


  1. Those are so cute and such a great idea for church too!

    What are the approx. dimensions of the tin? If you find some in your craft shopping will you let us know where you see them.

    I will check at Micheal's here.

    Thanks for another great craft idea...I am ready to get addicted to modge podge :)

  2. What a cute idea! I love stickers - and you can easily make different sets of things for whatever they are into at the time!

  3. I have been BUYING these what a great idea to make one!!!

    Vanessa from

  4. Oh I want the tins!! Are you sure you can't remember where you got them!? I have five 18 month old's to buy for!!

  5. I saw some at Micheals just the other day when we were there so I am sure other craft stores would carry them.

  6. Just so you know, Brenden loves these presents. He has them both on his headboard and has filled up the bucket with all his favorite things so they can "stay safe" he says! Good Job!

  7. Hi, I found your blog from 'Tip Junkie', I love your Mod Podge stuff, CUTE! I have been going crazy with this stuff too, and have decorated mason jars for Halloween, when you get a chance come over and see. Just today I posted some with Vintage postcards, glitter, and fun stuff. I love all this, thanks for the great ideas!

  8. What a great idea!!! I have seen similar magnet play sets at the store and they are pretty pricey. I think your idea is so much better, then you can customize it! Thanks.

  9. Love it! we found some magnetic books at TJMaxx for only about 5 $ and they have about 20 of those kind of magnets w/ them. But I really like the idea of making them w/ a tin:) fun! thanks- you guys have tons of great stuff on here!

  10. This is a VERY cute idea!!!! I don't know what a "roberts" is.. but I know I'd be jealous if I did.. tee hee!!


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