Friday, October 17, 2008

Blogs We HEART

Kritta22 generously gave Mandee and I this fun blog award! Thanks agian, Kritta22, your AWESOME and we are lovin' your blog!! We wanted to pass this award on to two of our favorite gals!

First to Sharla over at My Little Gems!! Your ideas are great and your blog always fun to read and I love stealing ideas from you. Hope you don't care. You deserve this for just being so fun and upbeat!!!

Second to Kelly over at News From Kelly's Brood! Your comments are like gold to us and we love the fun upbeat spirit of your blog!! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas with two, crazy girls from Utah!

You ladies are awesome! Pass along some LOVE to others and make someone's day!!


  1. I feel so hearted :)...I just wish I was as crafty and fun as you two...thanks for spreading the heart to me :) You made my Friday and weekend!!!

  2. oh my goodness- this is just too much LOVE in one day! Thanks so much!! I (heart) your blog too! You really made my day/week/month! :) thanks so much!


We love your comments! We thrive on your comments! Thanks for visiting and come back soon!