Thursday, October 16, 2008

Balloon Spiders

So CUTE I thought to myself and so EASY!! I got the cute part right, but the easy part was a little off. This craft would be easy with the right group of kids. Say about 9 years old, I think. And one on one with my first grader would have probably been alright. But I decided to take it on with two 6-year-olds, a 5-year-old, and a 3-year-old. Oh and one pesky 16-month old!!

What you need:

Googly Eyes
Piper Cleaners
Glue Dots I could kiss the person who invented these babies!

I got the instructions off of Executive Homemaker and we modified them as we went. You'll just have to type in Halloween in search engine and you will find them. But here is my version.

First we tried to do it Laurie's way by using one balloon. DID NOT WORK FOR ME!! I was to worried about them popping, plus every time I did get a pipe cleaner around the neck the air would slowly go out. So we blew up our big balloon first for the body and tied that balloon off. Then we blew up a smaller one to make the head. I then tied that balloon off by tying it to the stem of the other balloon. (I would have taken step by step pictures, but at this point it was mass chaos and children were screaming, blow up my balloon over and over. Oh, and the pesky baby was eating balloons. Choking hazard, ya know.)

At this point all the kids had to do was to wrap pipe cleaners around the two stems. Then the curled the ends under with their fingers. Add two glue dots to some googly eyes and you've got your face. Then a little marker, which doesn't stay on very good, but the kids loved to give them tattoo's, as they said.

P.S. Don't let the kids try to move the googly eye's once they are on the balloon. It will cause the balloon to pop, which has been known to cause tears, stress and drama!


  1. Those are adorable and they look so easy. I just wonder how long they would last in my house before the kids start popping them.

  2. I love this idea and reading this post made me laugh so hard!! Thanks for the good times.


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